Christ is in our midst!  He is and ever shall be!


 Our services are streamed live on the internet.
at our Saint Catherine website -

Join us for Orthodox Divine Liturgy every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.


Light a candle and offer a prayer at Saint Catherine (click here).  The online form sends the names of your family and friends direct to Father Chrysostom at the altar; prayers are offered during the Proskomidi in preparation for the Divine Liturgy!


July 28, 2024

Our Righteous Father Paul of Xeropotamou

Links to the service text:  Links to the service texts are through the Digital Chant Stand of our Archdiocese.  For optimal viewing select the "GR-EN Text/Music" link for Matins (Orthros) and Divine Liturgy. Apps may be downloaded for your phone or tablet. Link to the Digital Chant Stand 

Holy Communion: Holy Communion is reserved for baptized and chrismated Orthodox Christians only.  If you are interested in becoming an Orthodox Christian, please contact Father Chrysostom Mitchell at (561) 320-1224 or

Coffee and Fellowship:  Please join us for coffee and fellowship in the small hall of the Hellenic Cultural Center after the Divine Liturgy.


This Week

Saturday, July 27    Panteleimon the Great Martyr & Healer
     9:00 am  Orthros

   10:00 am  Liturgy

Sunday, July 28    5th Sunday of Matthew
     8:45 am  Orthros

   10:00 am  Divine Liturgy

August 1-14 The Fast of the Dormition (Kimisis) of the Theotokos

Thursday, August 1

    6:30 pm  Paraklesis

Friday, August 2

    6:30 pm  Paraklesis

Next Week and Highlights of Upcoming Services and Events

Sunday, August 4    6th Sunday of Matthew
     8:45 am  Orthros

   10:00 am  Divine Liturgy

Monday, August 5

     6:30 pm  Transfiguration Great Vespers

Tuesday, August 6    Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
     9:00 am  Orthros

   10:00 am  Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, August 7

     6:30 pm  Paraklesis

Thursday, August 8

     6:30 pm  Paraklesis

Friday, August 9

     6:30 pm  Paraklesis


Stewardship:  We appreciate our stewards  our Saint Catherine family.  Your Stewardship gift reflects your appreciation for God's many blessings.  As of July 17th, Stewardship gifts for 2024 have been received from 190 individuals/families totaling $123,757.  Some of the donations represent fulfillment of their total pledge while many others have begun their weekly, monthly or other scheduled donation. We are so thankful to these stewards.

The 2024 Stewardship materials were mailed to our parishioners and are also available on the website. Click here for the 2024 Stewardship Program and Commitment Form. New feature for 2024 - You may complete the commitment form online and email it back to the office. 

The Donate buttons here and on our website lead to our online giving site.  Again, thank you for your support!


Orthodox Christian Programs

Ancient Faith Ministries has live programming, podcasts, books and Orthodox gifts, and links to many articles and programs about our faith.  Visit:

The Orthodox Christian Network (OCN) has programs available 24 hours a day, seven days of  the week.  There is the weekly Come Receive the Light program and three channels of content to listen to in addition to special presentations in the form of podcasts, articles and videos.  Take a break from your routine to read / listen / watch.  All are all available at: 


Family Life Blog

Our Metropolis of Atlanta Family Life Blog has wonderful inspiring material for families and each of us as individuals.  Read and share the Family Life blog which is at:


Youth Safety Resources
We’re committed to connecting young people with Jesus Christ. To do that, we need to create ministry environments that are safe and health. For more on how you can help, please visit our new Youth Safety website:


YouTube Logo  Many of our Divine Liturgies have been recorded and can be viewed at  Subscribe to our YouTube channel:

Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church (Services from 2020 until now)

Saint Catherine Greek Orthodox Church (Selected services from 2015-2019)